Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ms Joyce Fernandez on Understanding Dementia

After the break, the program was taken over by Ms Joyce Fernandez of the Alzhemer's Disease Association. Seniors were shown a short film, a very pitiful one about an elderly lady who went out to buy food for her grand daughter and was unable to find her way back home due to her lost of memory through dementia. There were many teary eyes after the show.

Ms Fernandez shared with her own experience as a care giver to her own mother. How she handled her mother's disease on a daily basis. It was both hilarous and sad at times.

She then went on to talk about what is dementia, who are affected, causes of dementia and symthoms of dementia. Where to get help and how to prevent dementia through heathy living, eating well and exercises.

The talk ends at 5.30 pm with a questions and answer.

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